Tailyr Irvine

Tailyr Irvine (Confederated Salish, Kootenai) is a photojournalist born and raised on the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana. In 2018, she graduated from the University of Montana with a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in Native American Studies. Her work focuses on providing in-depth representations of the lives and complex issues within the diverse communities that make up Native America.

Before beginning her career as an independent journalist and documentary photographer in 2019, Irvine worked in newsrooms across the country. She is co-founder of Indigenous Photograph, a global database dedicated to support the media industry in hiring more Indigenous photographers to tell the stories of their communities and to reflect on the way these stories are told. As a National Geographic Explorer and We, Women Artist, she is currently working on a project that explores the complexities of blood quantum and Native identity. With each project and assignment, she emphasizes the importance of the relationship between the media and the communities they work in.

Website: tailyrirvine.com
Instagram: @TailyrIrvine


Paul Wilson